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The Hawaiian archipelago, situated in the center of the Pacific Hemisphere, is a near ideal location to access space via ocean launch. At latitude 19° North, equatorial trajectories benefit from the extra push given by Earth rotation, minimal need for orbital plane change in comparison to Cape Canaveral (28.5° N) and relative lack of population downrange in all directions – allowing for a multitude of launch inclinations. While already an established leader in 21st Century Astronomy from Mauna Kea, the unique cultural, biological and geopolitical nature of Hawaii has proven problematic in past efforts at establishing USA pacific space access on the Islands: further militarization is politically untenable, as is environmental degradation, and indigenous land rights must be respected. However, technology has progressed: solid propellant, once a mainstay of orbital flight, has given way to less environmentally deleterious liquid combinations with sufficient specific impulse to loft LEO payloads. Ocean-based launch technology has also matured, with international Sea Launch platforms used on 32+ successful launches since 1999 due south of Hawaii, and CNSA Long March 11 flying March 2024 from a converted barge in the Yellow Sea. As such, the case for peaceful, offshore, truly pacific space access should be revisited – with an eye toward the future of humankind and Hawaii nei. Might Hawaii Pacific Space Access be a factor in the upcoming (Nov 3) Honolulu mayoral election? This issue will be discussed November 12 at Galaxy Forum Hawaii, Kamuela. (Image Credits: Sea Launch, candidate photos via Twitter)


Aug 3 — ISS, ~405-km LEO: Expedition 63 back to three-member crew with ongoing science experiments focusing on genetics, fluid dynamics and AstroBee robots; Dragon Crew-1 launch planned for end of month; Astronauts Shane Kimbrough, Megan McArthur (NASA), Akihiko Hoshide (JAXA), Thomas Pesquet (ESA) selected for Crew-2 mission 2021.

如何进入youtubeNewSpace: Firefly Aerospace inaugural launch of Alpha 2-stage vehicle from Vandenberg planned this Summer; Rocket Lab offers Aerospace apprenticeships to New Zealand students and professionals; Astroscale now has 5 international offices, latest is Astroscale Israel in Tel Aviv.

Aug 3 — Solar System: Chang’e 5 Lunar sample return mission reportedly set for Nov 24-25; Airbus wins contract to build spacecraft to collect Perseverance Mars samples deposited in canisters ~2026; simulations show evidence of volcanic activity on Venus, BepiColombo Oct 5 flyby may offer insight.

Aug 3 — Galaxy: Largest 如何免费上youtube includes 2M galaxies covering 11B years; Galactic Inquirer producing reports including focus on 用户登录 - 月轮网游加速器【官方网站】:2021-6-14 · 月轮网游加速器为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!支持绝地求生,逃离塔科夫,使命召唤,H1Z1,CSGO,GTA5等数千款热门游戏的加速,帮助玩家降低游戏延迟,解决卡机掉线,享受更完美的战斗体验。; Zooniverse team at Alder Planetarium & Univ of MN to receive support from NASA for 2 years.

youtube进加速器 Aug 3 — Global: Australian Space Agency developing Mission Control and Australian Space Discovery Centre for early 2021; youtube进加速器 to engage in effort to identify regional Astronaut candidates; UK to provide ~US$19.5M for UK space sector / space communications and Earth observation.

Aug 3 — USA: Talks continue with Russia under Strategic Security Dialogue to promote safe space activities; 5 Artemis spacesuit materials sent to Mars aboard Perseverance for testing; US$1.5M Fundraising Campaign opens to keep U.S. Space and Rocket Center operating.

为什么youtube进不去Researchers analyze cosmos visibility, comparing Antarctica with Chile and Hawaii; Astronomers tracking orbit of Pan-STARRS1 telescope 泡泡加速器_吃鸡加速器_网游加速器-「泡泡加速器官网」:2021-11-20 · 泡泡加速器是绝地求生加速器/ 吃鸡加速器,是专业为外服网游设计的网游加速器。泡泡加速器采用云智能加速技术,傻瓜式优化压榨电脑性能,按小时计费,方便快捷,畅玩到爽!登陆官网下载即 …; running for OHA,12 candidates discuss views on proposed Big Hawaii Telescope.

Aug 3 — Astra Space, Launch Astra Rocket 3.1 / “2 of 3”, Pacific Spaceport Complex, Kodiak Island AK: Astra Space second attempt to launch Rocket 3 to LEO, launch set for 02:00-04:00 UT window open through Aug 7.

youtube进加速器 = All times

for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for space events, and…

如何免费上youtube = All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time’).

如何进入youtube – Evening Planets: Mars (S), Jupiter (SE), Saturn (SE); Morning Planets: Mercury (ENE), Venus (E), Uranus (E), Neptune (S).



The potential establishment of an Interstellar University (IU), a collection of rich international interstellar R&D resources, could be a timely consideration for early 2024s decade to realize the long-range vision to innovate, educate, inspire and achieve Interstellar observations, communications, transportation in the 21st Century. The Ad Astra State of Kansas, reaching its 160th anniversary of becoming the 34th Star in the USA Flag 29 January 2021, is an appealing location and time to launch a modest beginning for this important venture, planning for next the 5 years and decades beyond. With the State Motto and Seal “Ad Astra Per Aspera” and Midway USA Breadbasket / Heartland persevering, upward-looking spirit – Kansas is well suited to host IU. Perhaps first starting with an existing University Department and expanding to a regular curriculum, IU would build upon in-state resources such as K-State, KU, WSU, Ad Astra Kansas Foundation, Cosmosphere housing >13K spaceflight artifacts, 7 Observatories, manufacturing / engineering capabilities and its history of aero- and astronautics with Mercury & Apollo. IU may be similar to International Space University, and see participation from the Interstellar Community including: Centauri Dreams, Tau Zero Foundation, Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, 100-Year Starship, Icarus Interstellar, Starship Congress, Initiative for Interstellar Studies and Breakthrough Initiatives. Galaxy Forum Kansas 2024 Hutchinson is postponed from August to October 24, when its organizers hope an in-person / hybrid online event can support Interstellar / IU interactions and advances. (Image Credits: KS Historical Society, NASA, Cosmosphere, MeerKAT, SARAO)

youtube进加速器 Aug 3-6 — ISS National Laboratory, American Astronautical Society, 如何进入youtube / Seattle WA: ISS R&D Conference 2024.

Aug 3 — Moon: Full Sturgeon / Green Corn Moon, 05:58.

Aug 3 — Apollo Asteroid 2018 BD: Near-Earth Flyby (0.019 AU)

Continued From…

Jan 2024 – Sep 2024 — New Horizons, Kuiper Belt: Full data collected from 7 instruments during KBO Arrokoth flyby to be transmitted to Earth over this time period.

youtube进加速器 Nov 2024 – Nov 2024 — Hayabusa2, Earth Trajectory: JAXA Hayabusa2 with two samples collected from C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu on trajectory for Earth return.

Jul 20 – Aug 21 — International Space University, Online / Strasbourg, France: Interactive Space Program (ISP2024).

Aug 1-6 – Utah State University, Online / Logan UT: 网易uu怎么加速twitch-百度经验:2021-7-21 · 腾讯网游加速器怎么加速twitch 224 2021.09.02 网易UU网游加速器四个模式什么意思哪个好 80 2021.10.19 网易UU加速器里如何选择并切换加速节点 100 2021.05.09 twitch如何直播 3 2021.06.06 如何获得《valorant》内测资格 59 2021.04.17; free of charge.

Aug 2-6 — International Academy of Astronautics, 奇游电竞加速器 新游热游毫秒响应 72小时免费试用【官方网站】:奇游电竞加速器,电竞级网络加速,超低延迟/秒级响应/拒绝丢包,完美加速绝地求生、gta5、csgo、彩虹六号、战地5等游戏,新游热 ...4th IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop; now being held virtually.


Aug 4 — Secure World Foundation, Online / Broomfield CO: Space Weather and Small Satellites: How the Sun Impacts LEO; 10:00-11:15 EDT.

为什么youtube进不去 Aug 4-6 — Chandra X-Ray Center, NASA, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Online / Cambridge MA: Conference: Chandra Frontiers in Time-Domain Science.

Aug 4 — Apollo Asteroid 2024 OG3: Near-Earth Flyby (0.018 AU)


Aug 5 — Curiosity, Mars Surface: Curiosity (Mars Science Laboratory) rover reaches 8 full years / enters 9th year of operations on Mars surface today; launched Nov 26, 2011 – landed Aug 5, 2012 (Pacific Daylight Time).

Aug 5 — youtube进加速器, Jupiter Orbit: Total distance traveled by Juno including orbits around Jupiter estimated to be 22.66 AU (3.39B km).

为什么youtube进不去 Aug 5 — Space Court Foundation, Online / Sharon PA: Webinar: Visible Footsteps – Space-based observations of human impacts on Earth; by David Grinspoon, astrobiologist and award-winning author, 21:00 CET.

Aug 5-7 — Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association, University of Hawaiˋi – Manoa, Online: 11th Planetary Crater Consortium (PCC) Virtual Meeting.

如何免费上youtube Aug 5 — Mercury: At perihelion (distance 0.3075 AU from Sun), 18:00.

Aug 5 — Apollo Asteroid 2009 PQ1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.028 AU)


youtube进加速器 Aug 6 — Roscosmos State Corporation, Launch Soyuz / Glonass K, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia: Soyuz rocket to launch Glonass K navigation satellite.

youtube进加速器 Aug 6 — SpaceX, Launch Falcon 9 / Starlink 9 / BlackSky Global, LC-39A KSC FL: SpaceX to launch 10th batch of ~60 satellites for Starlink broadband network and 2 Earth observation microsatellites for BlackSky Global; launch 01:33 EDT.

Aug 6 — Space Tourism Society, Online / Los Angeles CA: Space Tourism Conference Webinar Series: Follow the Money.

Aug 6 — Moon Village Association, 如何进入youtubeWebinar: Governance of Global Moon Exploration and Settlement; featuring Mike Gold (NASA), Marius Piso (Romanian Space Agency), Mark Sundahl (Cleveland State Univ), George Danos (Cyprus Space Exploration Org), Giuseppe Reibaldi (MVA); 16:00 CEST.

Aug 6 — W. M. Keck Observatory, Online: Lecture: The NIRSPEC Upgrade for Keck Observatory – Enhancing Observations from the Solar System to Exoplanets and Beyond; by Emily Martin, National Science Foundation Astronomy and Astrophysics Fellow from University of California – Santa Cruz, 17:00-18:30.

Aug 6 — Moon: 4.0° SE of Neptune, 09:00.


Aug 7-9 — International Space University, Online / Strasbourg, Germany: 如何进入youtube.


如何免费上youtube Aug 8 — Ad Astra Kansas Foundation, Space Age Publishing Company, ILOA, Hutchinson KS: Galaxy Forum Kansas 2024 Hutchinson; Conference postponed to October 24.

如何进入youtube Aug 8 — Moon: 0.71° SE of Mars, 23:00.

Aug 8 — Mercury: 0.06° SE of Beehive Cluster, 15:00.

Aug 8 — Apollo Asteroid 2024 OL4: Near-Earth Flyby (0.024 AU)


为什么youtube进不去 Aug 9 — SpaceBase, Christchurch, New Zealand: Moon Exhibition: Our Moon, Then, Now and Beyond.

Aug 9-12 — AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee, AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee, Online / South Lake Tahoe CA: 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference; featuring Artemis Program Special Session.

Aug 9 — Moon: At apogee (distance 404,684 km), 04:00.

Posted in youtube进加速器, youtube进加速器, Interstellar University, Pacific Space Access